Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Writer Shore growing pains

A few weeks back I began posting on a writing web site called theNextBigWriter.com in an effort to network and interact with other Internet writers and to promote the new Writer Shore project (at least indirectly). Apparently people on a blog called SelahWrites noticed my link to this blog in the profile I created. At the time it had a small blurb about what the Writer Shore project, with one part reading: 'Writers come here and we aggressively promote the best talent to the reading, writing, and publishing communities.' In some ways this is still part of our goal. My profile alias was (still is) TheNextBigReader, and there was some speculation / confusion about what Writer Shore actually is.

This all happened before writershore.com launched, and I'm hoping the mission and intent are more clear now with the new site. As it stands this is still an experiment, and adjustments will be made as it moves along and grows.

Some questions they asked:

- am I a banned former member of TheNextBigWriter.com? Nope. No skeletons like that.
- am I an agent? Not really. But Writer Shore is what me make it.
- am I working in connection with theNEXTBigWhackO? Haha ... ask people who know me. The answer is most likely "yes".

Read more at selahwrites.blogspot.co...


Another more technical sort of growing pain showed up when I noticed that some of the design elements of the site render in annoying ways with Firefox. This disappoints from the standpoint that I was previously so excited about switching to FF, but there's no going back now. The site will adapt.