Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My Firefox extensions

This space is intended as a supplement to the Writer Shore community generated literary magazine web site, and as such the content of it will be pretty broad. I see that as a positive necessity.

The great part about this post, in particular, is that I've finally found the fix to tear me completely away from Internet Explorer. Previous to only a few minutes ago, I had wanted to use Firefox because I knew that everything about it was better than IE. The only thing keeping me faithful to IE was the fact that the Google Toolbar (BETA) didn't have the Bookmarks functionality (a petty reason, I know). Maybe I'm a slow Internet user in terms of geekiness and the ability to find all these things, but today I found a Google Bookmarks Button FF extension. It should accomplish exactly what I seek.

Great stuff, let's see how it goes. Check the thing out yourself.

Read more at www.menjatallarins.com/...